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Ministry endorses new milk product |25 June 2004

Ministry endorses new milk product

Their fears were driven by the declaration on the list of ingredients that the product contains only 0.8 grams of fat for every 100 grams, as opposed to other products they are used to like Nido and Carnation, which have 28 grams for the same quantity of the product.

SMB customer Rodney Savy looks at the list of ingredients making up the new brand of powdered milk

"At a time when we are recommending that people cut down on their intake of fat, this product, which essentially is skimmed milk powder, may even be preferable," nutritionist Jude Faure said.
He nevertheless warned that the product is not suitable for infants up to 12 months, whom he said should be given formula milk.

"From the age of 12 months to the age of 24 months, children should get full cream milk, but above that age and until the children reach five years, they can be given semi-skimmed milk," he said.
He said prior to that age, the children require free fatty acids available though the cream in the milk for the development of their nerves.

"Above that age, the kind of milk the children may take depends much on the discretion of the parents because the children will already be getting fat from other sources," he said, but also noted that Anlene has been fortified with calcium, "which is a good thing," he said.
He noted that the manufacturers needed to, and have added vitamins, particularly the fat soluble ones which were removed in the skimming process.

He said the ministry would be glad if the same brand of milk, which originates from New Zealand but is packed in Malaysia, continues to be available.
A spokesperson for Seychelles Marketing Board (SMB), who imported the milk, said the parastatal will try to ensure continued supply of the new product.

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