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NCC urges children to speak out against violence |13 July 2013

The National Council for Children (NCC) is encouraging children to be more vocal when they are being hurt by adults, if their parents are being hurt or if someone in their house has got problems with drugs and alcohol and this affects them.

“We want children to feel safe - at home, at school and everywhere else.  If something happens at home that makes children feel scared, they must be encouraged to tell a grown-up they can trust,” a spokesperson for the NCC said.

“A grown-up who cares about children may want to help but does not know how because it can bring up their own past childhood issues.
“Adults must encourage children to talk to grown-ups they can trust - maybe mum or dad, teacher, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, the nurse, a counselor, or someone at the church.

“Children may feel a bit scared to talk about what is going on, but it's always good to share problems with someone they can trust. Maybe a friend can support them in approaching an adult. Always encourage children to speak out against abuse,” the spokesperson advises.

Parents are being encouraged to register for a Child Protection workshop at the NCC where they can learn about different signs and indicators of abuse.

They can also register for a workshop to learn about domestic violence and its effect on children.



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