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PUC launches public speaking and photo competitions |17 April 2015

The Public Utilities Corporation (PUC) has launched a public speaking and photo competitions opened to all state and private schools.

The theme of the public speaking competition is ‘Water and sustainable development’ while for the photo competition PUC wants 10 to 16-year-olds to capture how water is being used sustainably or how developments around water features are being done in a sustainable manner.

Students are being encouraged to conduct research in such areas as water and environment, conservation of water, water and tourism, water and big industries /companies.
Students should explore the following points in their deliberation:
• Why should water management be a top agenda?
• What are being done to ensure water security and sustainable development?
• Why should Seychelles push for sustainability in the water sector?
• What can the future generation do to sustain our fresh water sources?

The competition will be held at the National Theatre, Mont Fleurion Friday July 3 at 1pm.
This competition is divided into two categories – primary and secondary schools. In each category there should be a chairperson who will introduce the main speaker, the proposer of the vote of thanks and the subject matter; a main speaker who will introduce the subject matter and deliberate on the theme and points; and a proposer of the vote of thanks who will close the event by thanking the main speaker and sum up the presentation.

All presentations will be in English and the students will be judged on a host of criteria such as pronunciation, emphasis and grammar; delivery, confidence, eye contact and body language; as well as on the appropriateness of the vocabulary to the topic, understanding of the theme, good arguments, among others.

The photo competition on the other hand is divided into three categories: 10 to 12 years old; 12 to 14 years old and 14 to 16 years old
The best three photos in each category will be rewarded.

Scoring is on a basis of 10 marks: three (3) for technical merit, five (5) for theme interpretation and four (2) for impact, from each of three judges.

Photos should be in colour and students are free to submit in their preferred size. All photos will remain the property of PUC but photographers will be acknowledged whenever same is used.




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