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Labour and Human Resources Development Minister Idith Alexander’s message of the occasion of Labour Day |30 April 2016

‘Honouring the working men and women’


“Labour Day is considered a special day where we honour the working men and women,” Labour and Human Resources Development Minister Idith Alexander has said in her message on the occasion of Labour Day.

Minister Alexander’s message reads:

“Labour Day is dedicated to all workers around the world. In Seychelles it is considered as a special day where we honour the working men and women. For this year, the theme remains ‘My Career, My Family, My Seychelles’ (‘Mon Travay, Mon Fanmiy, Mon Sesel). It signifies our dedication to our work, which improves our family life and adds significance to the development of our country. In addition it emphasises our national theme ‘I love Seychelles’ by depicting our devotion and commitment.

“Seychelles was last year declared a high income country.  This came as a result of our economic progress through effective fiscal policies. Together we must continue to work and sustain this growth for the creation of equal employment opportunities for all. Last year, 2015, we managed to maintain the unemployment rate below 5%. Furthermore, a total of 1,787 jobs were created and subsequently 1,612 job seekers were placed in employment. This confirms the government’s commitment to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment without discrimination.

“The government through my ministry is dedicated to provide decent work for all workers. The working condition of the labour force has been improved through periodical review of policies and strategies to meet the needs of the labour market. There are reasons to be optimistic about where we are headed. My ministry will be presenting a modern Employment Act which will create a more conducive environment for business development, protection of employees and wealth creation. Additionally, Seychelles will renew its cooperation with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), by embarking on a new Decent Work Country Programme that will promote and reinforce social dialogue among the national tripartite constituents.

“Workers are the heart of an organisation, the work they conduct, the services they provide, drive the economy, and the most crucial driving force for an employee is their level of motivation. This has been proven by different scholars that when employees are motivated sufficiently, they give their best. It is in this light that for this year’s Labour Day, my ministry organised the first ever national Employee of the Year Award to reward workers in the private sector, which is the engine of the economy.

“On this note, I take this opportunity to urge all employees to maintain a positive attitude towards their work and maximise their potential to the best of their ability. For the employers, ensure a safe and conducive working environment and take cognizance for the worker’s contribution. The need for job satisfaction and fulfillment should be taken care of for employees to reach their potential. Above all it is important for employees and employers to advocate good industrial relations at work. Remember to appreciate the significance of hard work, family responsibilities and patriotism towards our country.

“Wishing you all a happy Labour Day.”





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