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DURNS validates its first-ever strategic plan |19 February 2018

The Drug Users Respond Network Seychelles (DURNS) has validated its first strategic plan since its inception last year, which will span from 2018 to 2022.

The newly formed NGO conducted this validation workshop on Friday at the Ceps conference room.

The drafted plan which went under major scrutiny by the members has been researched and compiled by the organisation’s consultant, Benjamin Vel.

DURNS’ 2018-2022 strategic plan was formulated following a brainstorming session held earlier this year and which saw the participation of various representatives from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Family Affairs, National Assembly and Agency for the Prevention of Drug Abuse and Rehabilitation (APDAR).

In most parts, DURNS is an organisation consisting of drug users and recovering drug users with the aim of ensuring that the rights of the community of People who Use Drugs (PUD) and People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) are respected and protected.

For this reason, most of its 2018-2022 strategies are linked to ways and means DURNS can create a conducive policy environment that enables the community’s access to social and health programmes and educate the public about drug use and drug users.

As detailed in the drafted DURNS Strategic Plan 2018-2022, the organisation will aim to focus on 6 main strategies for the next four years.

 1. Strengthening the network through systematic and sustained membership recruitment and maintenance efforts to reach as many drug users as possible;

 2. Pursuing advocacy, sensitisation and education programmes for the general public, members and decision-makers;

3. Building partnerships with like-minded organisations and networking with national, regional and international partners;

4. Improving engagement in policy development, with access and participation to national committees where key policy decisions are made;

 5. Engaging with the community of drug users and others through a series of sustained programmes of activities throughout the year;

6. Ensuring good governance through a comprehensive programme of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MLE).

According to the network coordinator at the NGO, Joseph Banane, the validation workshop was filled with numerous and enriching discussions and which has culminated into various amendments to the drafted plan.

The final revision is expected to be ready as from today and reviewed by APDAR to make sure there are no duplication of effort.




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