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SNYC holds interactive session on values for English River S1 students |22 February 2018




A group of S1 students from the English River school were the first to benefit from an interactive session on the value of respect put together by the Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC), the first to be organised this year.

Counsellor Beryl Dodin led the session with the assistance of four youth workers.

It started off with an individual reflection on how respect can be shown at school and in our communities. The students had the task of writing down at least one way they felt this can be shown.

Following the self reflection, Miss Dodin went over the definition of respect, laying emphasis on the fact that respect must start with each individual and that this goes much further than just saying good morning; it must be displayed in our behaviour and actions.

She also stressed the importance of this particular value that is clearly evident when we follow set rules and regulations correctly, something she says will continue later in a person’s life, place of work and even to our graves.

“S1 is a foundation year therefore we must all be very attentive to the different values which are very important to all of us if we want to do well in our lives and  become role models to others,” Ms Dodin pointed out.

The students were then divided in different groups so that they could explore the topic further. Each group was given a specific task -- ranging from writing a poem, song or answering a question about the value of respect. After the allocated time had passed they took turns to present their findings and productions.

To conclude, each youth worker and accompanying teacher encouraged the students in a few words but it was generally felt that the students already have a good knowledge of the value respect; but what remains to be done is for them to live it in their behaviour, the way they hold themselves, interactions with their elders and in their lives as students and in everything they do on a daily basis.

S1 students from other schools will also benefit from such sessions in the coming months.





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