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Point Larue secondary school hosts CASAM reflection day |03 August 2018

The Care Student Action Movement (CASAM), well known as the Care Club of which students from Pointe Larue secondary school form part alongside teachers, held a reflection assembly yesterday.

The gathering, held under the theme ‘Les lanmour refleri’, was to raise awareness about substance abuse among students of the school.

Jenny Kilindo, the school’s head teacher, explained that this programme was to help raise the awareness of students on drugs and alcohol abuse in society.

“There are many situations occurring in the school compound which I wish to

remove students from and guide them towards a better path and CASAM’s

aim is to help students make their own positive decisions while helping others in

the process,” Ms Kilindo said.

During the assembly, a variety of songs, poems, short plays and prayers were used to touch the lives of the students.

Students participating in the assembly sang mostly gospel songs to help students find the spiritual way to living a better life.

With the use of the song ‘Pran letan pour grandi’ by Marie-Cécile Médor, the students displayed a short presentation of bad influences and their consequences.

Father Ensel also blessed the gathering and led prayers.

A student-member of the CASAM, Tashiree Harrison, explained that she feels changed by the CASAM group.

“I feel that this movement has been placed in the school because of the student’s mentality towards school and this is to change them, for the better,” she said.

Tashiree said that good behaviour starts at home, and it should be brought to school to share with other students.

Les lanmour refleri’ was a theme given by the Care Club and the organising team to show that love can help students change their lifestyle and ways.

The accompanying photographs show highlights of the activity.






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