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Understanding the Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Label |14 November 2011

It is also an assurance that a tourism business is operating according to a set of sustainable tourism standard, a model to inspire more efficient and sustainable business practices in Seychelles.

The SSTL consists of 105 criteria categorised under eight themes: Management, Waste, Water, Energy, Staff, Conservation, Community and Guests.

In a bid to create more awareness of the SSTL, the Seychelles Tourism Board will be looking at the eight themes, starting with the first four, comprising Management, Waste, Water and Energy.

The management criterion of the label is to encourage the management of tourism businesses to integrate the principles of sustainable tourism into the company’s daily operations. The management is required to have a company policy or vision statement that reflects the commitment to adopt sustainable and environmentally-sound practices.

What can be done?
• The company can draft and implement a policy that promotes sustainable tourism development and environmentally-sound practices
• The management can inform and educate employees and clients regarding the importance of implementing the company policy/vision statement to cultivate a sustainable tourism environment

Effective waste management involves the reduction, reuse, recycling and proper disposal of waste.
Why should tourism establishments invest in effective waste management?
a) Effective waste management can enhance corporate image or the image of a tourism business
b) Waste management is a requirement of sustainable tourism and sustainable development
c) It can enhance the guests’ appreciation of the tourism establishments where they are lodging
d) Tourism establishments can generate income from their waste
e) Recycling involves converting materials that would otherwise become waste into valuable, usable resources, and generating many environmental , financial and social benefits
f) Effective waste management can also cut the purchasing costs of tourism establishment
g) Using products more than once helps to cut down on unnecessary waste
h) Reusing is preferable to recycling, as the item involved does not need to be reprocessed before it can be used again
i) It minimises the negative impacts on the surrounding environment and prevents public health problems

What can be done?

• Buy products with as little packaging as possible
• Buy bulk items instead of individual packaging
• Buy durable, repairable goods
• Re-use items where possible
• Donate used items
• Refill bottles
• Recycle, e.g. recycle paperboard cartons, newspaper, magazines and cans
• Sort your waste, e.g. separate glass bottles from plastic bottles
• Invest in a well-maintained sewerage system

Water is a valuable resource that needs to be monitored, conserved and reused where possible, particularly on small islands like the Seychelles where resources are limited.
Tourism establishments use large quantities of water for operations and for a number of activities such as to beautify the grounds, in the bathroom etc. It is assumed that in general the average guest uses 450 litres of water a day. 

Why should tourism establishments invest in water conservation and management?
a) Water is a valuable resource which should be managed effectively
b) It reduces the amount of fresh (potable) water used by the establishments
c) It helps tourism establishments to cut down on their water bills
d) It is necessary during periods of persistent droughts induced by climate change
e) Water conservation is in line with the principles of sustainable tourism and sustainable development

What can be done?

• Invest in water storage such as rainwater harvesting tanks
• Invest in water saving devices such as low flow devices in taps and showers, use dual-flush toilets and reduce the flush volume of toilets
• Monitor water use and check for visible leaks
• Fix dripping taps and leaking toilets
• Train staff and inform clients on how to manage water resources effectively
• Use collected rainwater for irrigation, washing vehicles 

Energy is found in different forms, such as electrical energy, heat energy and light energy.
To reduce the tourism industry’s contribution to climate change it is necessary to invest in renewable energy (from the sun and wind etc.) and to invest in energy efficient systems and technologies. 

Why should tourism establishments invest in water conservation and management?
f) To reduce the tourism industry’s impact on climate change
g) To reduce the operational costs of an establishment by reducing the energy bill (electricity bill)
h) To conserve energy
i) Energy conservation is in line with the principles of sustainable tourism and sustainable development

What can be done?
• Install energy-efficient lighting such as compact fluorescent, LED and fluorescent light bulbs
• Install outside lights with daylight sensors
• Invest in energy saving appliances
• Switch off the lights when they are not being used and switch them off during daytime
• Switch off the air conditioning units when they are not being used
• Use fans and natural ventilation as alternatives to air conditioning
• Install solar water heaters
• Introduce a key card system in tourism establishments
• Educate staff to turn off appliances when they are not being used
• Inform visitors to turn off appliances when they are not being used



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