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Naturopathic nutrition |12 January 2018

Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine which employs an array of natural remedies for various health-related purposes. With increasing worldwide emphasis on eating more organic foods, the Seychelles NATION spoke to Pascal Chang Leng, a naturopath and the founder of Vitality Naturopathic Centre, to learn more about some of the principles of naturopathic nutrition.


Pascal begins by explaining that naturopathy is a holistic and integrated service which uses scientific information and evidence-based medicine. People’s lifestyles are analysed by the naturopath and each individual is then prescribed tailor-made, customised and personalised remedies.

He further explains that he uses herbal extracts from plants to treat various types of illnesses at his naturopathic holistic clinic. Some of the most common conditions/diseases that his patients present with include obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

According to Pascal, the cause of such diseases can be attributed to the excessive amount of food that many people in Seychelles are having and much of this food is energy-dense as opposed to nutrient-dense, and therefore many people are also malnourished. For example, excess amounts of red and/or processed meat, sugar (e.g. condensed milk, white sugar), dairy and alcohol can contribute to the development of these diseases.

Pascal advises people to read food labels carefully, make informed decisions and to consume nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables like moringaoleifera (bred mouroum/pti fey) and fish. He adds that it is best to eat local produce as much as possible since these have high nutrient density as opposed to imported foods, contain less pesticides and are grown in better conditions.

Below, Pascal recommends other foods that are beneficial for the health:

-           Coconut oil to boost metabolism and promote weight loss

-           Turmeric for natural anti-inflammatory effects and enhanced memory

-           Legumes (beans, peas, lentils) for plant proteins

-           Oats and other whole-grains for regulating blood sugar (white bread raises blood sugar level)

-           Coconut and rice bran oils for higher smoke points and safer cooking


Speaking about nutritional recommendations for different groups, Pascal advises the elderly to be more active as many live sedentary lives. Just 10 to 15 minutes of regular walking or yoga exercises is beneficial. He adds that due to muscle loss with ageing, it is also very important for this particular age group to eat enough protein to help repair and build muscle fibres.


A major issue among children is their dislike for fruits/vegetables and a desire for fast, processed foods and sugary treats causing nutritional deficiencies. A lack of nutrients for brain function causes a decline in cognition, hence leading to behavioural problems. It is therefore important for children to include fruits, vegetables and fish into their diets, says Pascal.

Pregnant women

Good nutrition is also important for women before, during and after pregnancy to help prevent nutritional deficits which can cause babies to be born with various development issues. Pascal adds it is important to remember that mothers can pass on their illnesses to their babies. For example, he notes that many children present with eczema (skin problems) which he says is attributed to certain allergies that their mothers have had and high consumption of milk during their pregnancies. 

To obtain enough calcium, Pascal recommends that pregnant women eat dark leafy green vegetables like moringaoleifera (bred mouroum/pti fey), lentils, fish like mackerel and beetroot and should avoid having excess amounts of sugar.

For further information, follow ‘Vitality Naturopathic Centre Seychelles’ on Facebook.







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