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No further holding of drug suspect from Belonie |21 February 2020

The Magistrate Court yesterday rejected an application for the further holding of a 30-year-old male car washer attendant of Belonie who was arrested on Wednesday this week at Belonie for the offence of possession of a controlled drug.

The suspect was arrested by officers of the Anti-Narcotics Bureau (ANB) within the Seychelles Police Force after approximately 104 grammes of suspected compressed cannabis (hashish) and approximately 8 grammess of suspected heroin plus a sum of R25,169.30 in several denominations were seized at his residence as evidence in this case.

Investigation in this case is ongoing.

Meanwhile, on February 7, 2020, ANB officers arrested a 29-year-old unemployed male suspect at his residence at Chetty Flat for the offence of possession approximately 7.3 grammes of suspected heroin. He was brought to the ANB station for procedural formalities and later released with a case registered against him for the courts.


ANB communique

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