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Banks and SCU to resume operations on Saturdays |09 September 2022

The Central Bank of Seychelles (CBS) has reconsidered its decision on the closure of banks and Seychelles Credit Union (SCU) on Saturdays, and has instructed the institutions to resume normal operations as from September 24, 2022 until further notice.

It is to be recalled that the closing of banks and SCU branches on Saturdays was introduced in March 2020. The initiative, which complemented the health measures for the Covid-19 pandemic, was primarily aimed at promoting digital payments in line with the agenda to modernise the national payment system.

The decision for the institutions to resume Saturday operations will address challenges being faced by customers to access their funds, especially over the weekend, in view of some limitations that persist with the provision of digital financial services.

CBS maintains that the digital journey remains a priority objective and will increase its engagement with all relevant stakeholders, including the government, Seychelles Bankers Association, service providers and the public, to address ongoing issues and put in place the necessary systems and infrastructure to improve access to digital financial services.


Press release from CBS

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