Praslin hosts clean-up campaign launch |17 September 2019

A performance by a group of students during the launch ceremony
‘Yes – We can beat plastic Pollution’ is the theme of this year’s Clean Up the World Campain which was officially launched at the Moulinie Estate, Côte D’Or on Praslin yesterday.
It was the Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Wallace Cosgrow, who officially launched the week of activities.
In his address, Minister Cosgrow called on all Seychellois to do their part in keeping the environment clean.
“We are calling on everyone of you to help reduce pollution in our communities. Clean Up the World is an opportunity to start to adopt new ways of doing things. During the course of this campaign we will be removing the different types of waste that has accumulated around our homes, work places and communities. However, by adopting new mindsets and new ways of dealing with our waste, is how we can make a real difference,” the minister said.
He made the call not only in his capacity as minister but also as a concerned citizen.
On his part, Flavien Joubert, chief executive of the Land Waste Management Agency (LWMA), highlighted the need to educate our population on the importance of collecting, separating and understanding the types of waste we produce and their impact on our environment.
“We are all concerned about littering and we should come together as a community to discuss the various ways we can encourage cleaning and recycling,” he said.
Students from Baie Ste Anne primary, Grand Anse primary and Prasin secondary schools shared songs, poems and plays on the importance of waste collection especially plastic waste.
“Seeing these students bring their entertaining and educational contribution towards this launching ceremony today gives me much hope that the future generation is conscious of our waste disposal problems and wish to make a difference,” Minister Cosgrow shared.
Baie Ste Anne primary school was also displaying various recycled materials which the students had converted into useful items such as flower pots, chicken feeders and dustpans. To note that these items were recycled from materials retrieved from the landfill and are being used at the school itself.
The Seychelles Hospitaility and Tourism Association (SHTA) had also brought their support for this year’s campaign. Its chairperson, Sybille Cardon, expressed the importance of maintaining a clean environment and adopting sustainable practices for the betterment of our tourism industry.
“We promote Seychelles as a natural paradise and therefore we must live up to it,” she said.
She also brought out the role of the tourism industry in the introduction of the ban on plastic bags and straws as well as the need to invest in educating the younger generation. A practice which she believes may help them to correct the action of adults who are oblivious of proper waste disposal.
William Rose, president of the Praslin Business Association, also agreed with the need to educate the younger generation and suggested that an alternative be provided for plastic water bottles which is greatly used by students.
Various stakeholders will bring their contribution to the campaign which is being spearheaded by LWMA for one week of clean-up activities by community groups, schools, government and private entities. Among them the Property Management Company (PMC), Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), the Ocean Project, PARLEY, Seychelles Rescue and Fire Services (SRFS), small contractors and the school.
The launch ceremony was followed by clean-ups at the Au Cap beach, Moulinie Estate, Marie-Jeanne Estate, the Tamatave Estate and Ex-teacher’s Estate on Praslin by various groups of stakeholders.
The removal of waste by households is also scheduled to take place during the weekend.
Text: Nadia Bedier
Photos: Romano Laurence