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La Digue gears up for two-day sterilisation campaign |18 October 2023

La Digue gears up for two-day sterilisation campaign

A transformative campaign to address the pressing issue of stray animals and promote responsible pet ownership is set to unfold on the picturesque island of La Digue.

The clinic will start this week-end – Saturday, October 21 at 8am and end the following day, Sunday, October 22.

Representing a remarkable collaborative movement aimed at making a substantial impact, this ambitious initiative is being organised by BE KIND and generously supported by Seychelles Pet Haven, Seychelles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, and sponsored by Cat Cocos, Le Domaine de L'Orangeraie, Le Repaire, Le Nautique Waterfront Hotel, and La Digue Island Lodge.

In an unprecedented display of unity, all these stakeholders have come together, fostering a spirit of cooperation among NGOs and local hoteliers to drive this crucial campaign. Following a comprehensive census conducted in March by BE KIND, it became evident that La Digue had few options for pet care, with limited access to sterilisation services. Consequently, the population of cats and dogs, many of which eventually become strays searching for food across the island, has been increasing at an alarming rate.

To combat this dire situation, it was unanimously agreed to organise a sterilisation drive, offering local residents the opportunity to sterilise their pets for free. With the campaign's launch only days away, there is still room for bookings as five experienced veterinarians will be on hand to provide their expertise. There will also be a stall with pet products and medications for those wishing to purchase, supported by Paw Links.

Organising this campaign has been a monumental task, involving meticulous logistical planning to reach the island, ensuring the availability of necessary medications, engaging dedicated professionals willing to volunteer their time, and providing suitable accommodation and meals for those involved.

“In coming together with the invaluable support of Seychelles Pet Haven, SSPCA and our esteemed local sponsors, we are showing the Seychelles community that it is possible to create meaningful change when we unite in a common cause,” says Nicole Saint Ange, chairperson of BE KIND.

As the campaign commences, the focus now shifts to the residents of La Digue, urging them to fulfill their role as responsible pet owners by bringing their animals for sterilisation.

This campaign underscores the importance of this unique opportunity for all pet owners, as no future drives are currently planned. Bookings are essential and can be made by calling 2723291 or 4303144.

It is important to note that dogs and cats should refrain from eating anything 12 hours prior to surgery. A pre-surgery bath is recommended, as well as providing a closed-up area for a few days following the procedure to ensure a smooth recovery. The venue of the clinic has now changed to the Red Cross Centre at L’Union Estate.


Compiled by Vidya Gappy

Photos: Contributed


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