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Public Service Bureau elaborates on ICT and HR revised salary schemes |11 November 2023

Public Service Bureau elaborates on ICT and HR revised salary schemes

Mrs Mohideen (left) accompanied by Ms Fock-Yune during the press conference

  •           120 human resource officials and 100 IT workers to benefit


The Public Service Bureau said the expected outcome of the salary revision of two general cadres in government, namely ICT and human resource, is the better management of the country’s human resource.

The review of the two salary schemes was announced in the recent budget address by the Minister for Finance, National Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan.

Yesterday, the chief secretary of the Public Service Bureau, Shella Mohideen, held a press briefing at the bureau’s headquarters at National House to provide further clarification on the review. Also present was the director general for the establishment standard division, within the bureau, Michelle Fock-Yune.

Speaking on the raison d’être for a revision in the ICT salary scheme, Mrs Mohideen said given that government has embarked on an intense digitalization programme to facilitate businesses and the public in general, providing quick easy access to services, it was important that the country retains its current capacity in the ICT field. It should also attract additional capacity for effective implementation of the digitalisation agenda.

Mrs Mohideen noted that a salary assessment in relation to IT practitioners carried out this year, indicated the government would lose them to other outside jobs, if their salaries were not adjusted. The review will apply to ICT workers in government, and those working in the Department of Information Communication Technology (DICT).

With regard to the human resource salary scheme, Mrs Mohideen said given that Seychelles was a small country and most HR were generalists instead of specialists, it was therefore fitting  to review their salary package as they were doing more in their line of duty, especially now that government was looking into strengthening its resource management.

This will be through the introduction of a human resource management system that will digitalise the human resource management functions. Presently all government human resource practitioners are following training at the public sector college, at the Guy Morel Institute (TGMI) to learn about the various HR functions such as effective performance management, staff welfare and counselling, among others.

Mrs Mohideen added the HR salary review also means a person doing administrative work in small organisations, and who is also doing HR duties, will see an increase in their salaries. However, the salary revision will not apply to administrative staff who are doing administration work only.

A total of 120 human resource officials and 100 IT workers will benefit from the salary increase. According to the Public Service Bureau, the expected outcome of the revision is for better management of the country’s human resource, where people would be coming to work in a more conducive environment, be more productive, and supported by the use of technology to become more efficient so as to enhance government’s performance.

Meanwhile, Mrs Mohideen noted that all salary schemes are equally important and they will be reviewed as per availability of fiscal space.


Text & photo by Patrick Joubert

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