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‘Per Noël’  is here! |01 December 2023

‘Per Noël’  is here!

‘Per Noël’ landed in Seychelles yesterday morning on a special Air Seychelles flight from the North Pole.

He was welcomed by the airline’s chief executive, Sandy Benoiton, some of the airline’s staff, representatives of the Seychelles Prison Service and Sister Adeline from one of the children’s homes.

It should be recalled that the Commissioner of Prison, Raymond St Ange, recently announced in an interview to the local media, that Santa will soon be in the country, where he will be holidaying at a secret location before getting down to work on Christmas eve to deliver gifts to children across the country.

‘Per Noël’ who came without his reindeer, responded to an invitation extended by the prison service to help with its ‘Gem in Them’ programme which was launched on October20, 2023.  The programme has the prison service engaging children as big brothers and sisters in positive actions. 

Having Santa in Seychelles thanks to Air Seychelles is part of this engagement approach.  We look forward to seeing Santa again on Christmas Eve and Christmas day as he delivers gifts to the children. Welcome to Seychelles Santa!  Enjoy your holiday before the big day!



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