Aftermath of December 7 disaster |28 December 2023

One-off R25,000 given to over 100 families to date
By Sunny Esparon
Over a hundred families have already received their one-off R25,000 payment for assistance out of the 250 files already submitted to the Agency for Social Protection.
The principal secretary for Local Government and Community Affairs, Kevin Perine, revealed the figures during a press conference yesterday at the ministry’s headquarters at Oceangate House, when giving an update of the December 7 disaster.
PS Perine said they were happy to say that more than 100 families have already received the sums. However, there were still 200 files remaining to be processed. They have encountered delays due to incorrect bank details meaning some payments were not going through, said Mr Perine.
Another concern raised was family dispute, with family members contacting the ministry, arguing about not receiving their share of the fund.
PS Perine is reminding families that the R25,000 is to be given to the head of the household to be shared among family members and not to each individual within the same household.
“We were hoping to complete all payments by the end of the year, but unfortunately due to these delays it will not be possible,” he said.
Meanwhile, there are 220 people left in temporary shelters set up after the disaster, with the majority of them at the Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay hotel. Initially around 400 out of 1500 who needed assistance, sought refuge in shelters across Mahé.
Nineteen (19) families whose house was severely damaged, were allocated a new home in Perseverance. According to Mr Perine, 13 of them have already moved into the new place, while the remaining six are finalising the necessary formalities before they can settle in.
Remaining residents whose place had minor damages are being asked to provide proof as well as documentation so they could be assisted.
“We are quite satisfied with the work being done so far to help these people regain stability,” concluded PS Perine.
Accompanying the PS was Jancy Volcère, district administrator for English River.
Photo by Louis Toussaint