More businesses contribute to sustainable growth of tourism industry |21 January 2020

The handover of the cheque from Casino Liberte
As the Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation (SSTF) begins the year 2020, Casino Liberte has made a donation of R90,000 towards the foundation.
A cheque for that amount was collected by a SSTF representative on January 17, 2020 at the Club Liberte Casino based at Anse Soleil, Baie Lazare.
Casino Liberte stands among one of the frequent donors to SSTF, with a sum of R80,594.77 donated during the year 2018.
Since its inception, the SSTF has been receiving continuous donations from various businesses. The Seychelles European Reservations, Côte D’or Apartments, L’Archipel Hotel and SeyVillas are contributing immensely towards financially sustaining the SSTF.
With the donations received, SSTF has been able to host a study tour in Seychelles to promote local ecotourism products, raise awareness, engage tourists in environmental conservation projects and connect them to local projects on the ground, cover costs of executing a food donation fair for communities on Mahé and Praslin, conduct training workshops with hotels and guesthouse owners on sustainability, waste management and certification, facilitate partnership between SeyVillas and other local NGOs, and creating monthly posts for social media to raise awareness on good sustainable tourism practices among German tourists.
Seychelles European Reservations has been continuously donating towards operating expenses of the NGO. Like many not for profit organisations SSTF relies on CSR donations and project based funding.
The chair of SSTF, Daniella Payet Alis, has extended her immense gratitude to all businesses who believe in their cause. Through donations SSTF has been able to expand on its capacity to implement and deliver projects, while the businesses are able to contribute meaningfully towards projects that continue to ensure that the tourism industry has low impact on our environment and supports our cultural heritage, fosters growth and employment and income earning opportunities for our Seychellois, in turn giving positive experience to the locals, to companies and to the visitors.
All businesses have a responsibility to preserve the destination of Seychelles in terms of the socio economic well-being of Seychelles, i.e for our workforce, for the local businesses and for our future generations.
To learn more about the SSTF projects, and on how your company will benefit by donating, or to enquire about its services contact them on or visit their website
Contributed by SSTF