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Healthcare trends in 2021: A prediction by Dr Miodrag Todorovic |22 December 2020

Healthcare trends in 2021: A prediction by Dr Miodrag Todorovic

Image source: Human Resources Online

“The fragility of human health and how it may be the main destructor of the local & world economy, will bring up new models of financing health and a focus on emerging diseases

In the following interview, founder of Panafricare Clinic in Seychelles, Dr Miodrag Todorovic shares with us his predictions for healthcare trends in 2021, and his opinions on how these will impact on us here in Seychelles.


Seychelles NATION: Before we talk about the upcoming new year, what are your opinions on the developments in healthcare this year? Has the pandemic impacted on some expected developments?

Dr Todorovic: There are major developments in health this year in relation to the Covid -19 pandemic. First and foremost is the awareness that the world is one, that planet earth is one room and that we are all in the same sauce.

So health projects were never before so universal, scientifically practical, technical, environmental, behavioural, financial, economic, etc. Too many doors open for progress and development. If I have to choose what has been the major impact in terms of medical science development, it is all about speed, and it is visible in three areas: speed in decoding DNA and RNA of viruses or humans, speed of diagnostics with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) rapid test technology, and speed of producing and launching the vaccine. All impressive.


Seychelles NATION: You mentioned that in the year 2021, we can expect some new trends in healthcare. Tell us more about these.

Dr Todorovic: I believe that awareness about the fragility of human health and how it may be the main destructor of the local and world economy, will bring up new models of financing health and a focus on emerging diseases, while not ignoring chronic non-communicable diseases and their impact.

Also, appreciation of medical professionals and their work, will not be declarative only based on their social recognition, but also financial.

Finally, the most important in the years to come is going to be training and training of medical professionals and nurses, as the shortage of professionals dealing with respiratory medicine, ventilators or life support systems is obviously minimal.


Seychelles NATION: How do you think these trends will impact on us here in Seychelles?

Dr Todorovic: There are no other trends but those that life and death are imposing. The trend in health management has to evolve in Seychelles, from naive art to an academic level of management, from the small clinic to the top hospital, both in private and public sectors equally.

Self-sufficiency in the provision of medical professionals in the local human resource pool is still a dream, but innovation, economisation and improved management of resources should remain the main preoccupation in the year to come. Difficult year ahead on the global prospect.

However, introducing digital communication and coordination will be possible and will require proper preparation of professionals and the public at large.

In March this year, Panafricare Clinic introduced the ‘VideoClinic’ facility for people who can only remotely contact the doctor. The Android application that we launched in March as well, has seen about 500 people from different corners of the island reporting their possible flu status and some are still doing this regularly. Thus, we have a view of distribution and the magnitude of the spread of flu-like symptoms. Panafricare Clinic did this with a web developer at the local company MAVEN and it is free for the end users.


We also use this as a ‘Patient’s Education Tool’ over the personal phone. This is why, in the year to come, I am expecting these types of innovative approaches to be more obvious.

I hope as well that the fore-coming Seychelles Association of Private Clinics will from the start run activities in a coordinated and cooperative manner, integrating all available forces for better health of our citizens.


Seychelles NATION: What is your advice for both our healthcare workers and members of the public with regards to these new trends?

Dr Todorovic: We do not yet consider digital VideoClinic as an option. The public still prefer ‘Dr Google’ or Facebook. We need to work on cultural changes, even when it comes to digital techniques and the use of internet.

I would advise a series of educational programmes for the public and professionals in using digital techniques for health purposes. We have to increase the educational component in capacity building for health professionals in the area of management, standards and quality of patient care.


We are planning in Panafricare Clinic to facilitate and bring locally an international school in Family Medicine and Health Management.

I also take the opportunity to remind people to keep social distancing, wear masks, wash hands and to embrace the vaccine against Covid-19, once it is available.

Stay well and call the Panafricare Clinic on 4 321 310 for all worries about your health.



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