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43 years of dedicated employment |24 May 2021

43 years of dedicated employment

Nadege Dugasse

Nadege Dugasse is a resident of Les Mamelles who worked with the department of culture, specifically the National Museum, as a cleaner for 43 years.

Mrs Dugasse started working at the museum when she was 24, only changing work places briefly when the museum was closed for renovation.

She witnessed the museum evolve over time – from its opening to when it split into the Seychelles Natural History Museum and the National Museum of History. She stayed at the Natural History Museum up till last year.

Apart from keeping the museum spotless every day, without fail, there were other tasks that she helped the staff with, such as dispatch and working the reception when they needed help.

The staff of the museum consider Mrs Dugasse as family, always including her in the activities, even taking her on fieldworks where she was able to learn many things. She was a person the staff could always count on.

Seychelles NATION recently caught up with Mrs Dugasse and asked her about her 43 years of dedication to her work.


Seychelles NATION: Tell our readers how you were able to work at the museum for so long

Mrs Dugasse: I had a great love for my work. I considered the staff as my brothers and sisters; we understood one another and it was like working with my family. Never did I feel that my job was a nuisance.


Seychelles NATION: What advice would you give to those finding difficulties committing to their jobs?

Mrs Dugasse: Life isn’t easy, there will be good times and bad times, but you have to persevere, and remember that patience is key. Try not to let the negative words of others break your work spirit, so that you can work to earn your living.


Iza Amade

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