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Missing US $50 million case   ACCS drops all charges against Fahreen Rahjan |29 July 2022

The Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS) has dropped all charges against Fahreen Rahjan implicated in the missing $50 million case.

The two lawyers for ACCS, Edmond Vickers and Tony Juliette, explained that the charges were withdrawn on June 23 as they have made “significant progress” in the case.

There is also the fact that Ms Rahjan has provided two witness statements and agreed to give evidence against the Valabhji couple – Mukesh and Laura.

Rahjan’s lawyer, Joel Camille, had no objection in this matter and it was also the view of the co-counsel Mr Cesar.

Thus, an agreement was made between ACCS, Rahjan and her lawyers.

Ms Rahjan will however be called to give evidence in future proceedings against the Valabhji couple related to the purchase of US $4 million worth of shares in a Singaporean company, Appollo Towers, using false documents.

The Financial Crime Investigation Unit (FCIU) has also filed a notion under the Proceeds of Crime 2008 for an interim order and interlocutory order in this case and the accused consent to not oppose these applications.

The travelling documents of Ms Rahjan have been returned to her and all her shares have been seized.


Vidya Gappy

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