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District meetings   |31 May 2023

District meetings   

ASP reviewing benefits to people on long-term medical leave due to work related injury


President Wavel Ramkalawan has said the Agency for Social Protection (ASP) was reviewing the benefits given to people who are injured at work and forced to be off duty for a long period of time.

He made the comment during the public meeting in Takamaka yesterday afternoon when answering a question from one of the residents, who claimed he was injured in March this year, and is yet to resume work, and has already used up the 51 days medical leave.

The man stated that he was being forced to take his personal leave instead of applying for financial assistance given by the ASP, which he felt was too little.

President Ramkalawan said the government was aware that some benefits were too low and needed to be reviewed including the benefits for injury, semi-orphans and orphans.

“We know the sum is not sufficient to maintain the person, especially if they have to miss work for a very long period. There will be an increase, so as to give them a substantial amount and we will be making the announcements soon,” stated the head of state.

The issue of environment was also raised with a resident enquiring about the government’s plan to ensure the southern region retains its natural beauty.

He claimed that a hotel development in the district had not respected an Environment Impact Assessment report, and the government needs to ensure that the country’s natural beauty should not be compromised during these developments.

President Ramkalawan informed the meeting that Takamaka residents will always have a say on any major development that takes place in their district.

“At the moment what I can say is that no plan has been submitted or discussed with government. However it is not the government that grants approval as there is the Planning Authority,” he stated, adding that in the case of Grand Police, this will have to be discussed with the residents.

“If the owner was to develop the place, because it concerns a beach front property, a marsh, or a place that has endemic plants, the person will have to go back to the residents for another discussion and EIA,” he stated.

A former teacher proposed that there should be a major conference on Seychelles educational system, where all partners would converge to discuss issues and challenges to improve the education system instead of making hasty decisions, which were not useful and detrimental to the country.

She referred to the curriculum, which she said is an important document, whose content would dictate what type of society Seychelles needs. 

“And the only way to do this is to meet with all our partners,” she claimed.

Her proposal was welcomed by the head of state, who said this was being given due consideration.

Many residents raised concerns regarding the state of some roads, with one proposing that there should be a survey at the ‘Maravi’ road, which he claimed is a dangerous area. He also proposed another survey on the ‘Cap Mason’ road, which was previously used by small vehicles but was now catering for trucks carrying heavy loads such as construction materials.

President Ramkalawan informed the meeting that there was an ongoing road work from the Anse à la Mouche junction to the Baie Lazare Police Station financed by the United Arab Emirates. “When they started the project, we spoke to them to see whether they could take it up to Takamaka and I can confirm they have agreed to do it and they are looking into how to enlarge the ‘Maravi’ road”, he explained.

The head of state added that there was an ongoing negotiation to see whether the project could also move to Anse Royale, which will cover the ‘Cap Mason’ road in the process.

Other issues raised in Takamaka included the lack of sports facilities, bus shelter, land application, among others.

Similar to other districts, the Minister for Lands and Housing, Billy Rangasamy, gave a summary of the ongoing housing projects. He said the second phase of the Ex-Desaubin housing project will start next year with a block of eight units, which are expected to be completed in 2025, while the third phase of 16 units will start in 2025.


Patsy Canaya

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