13th African Games- Accra, Ghana from March 8-23, 2024 |09 February 2024

Yesterday’s13th African Games’ local committee and secretariat meeting in progress (Photo: Roland Duval)
February 15 set as deadline for submission of shortlisted athletes
The local sporting federations and associations involved in the 13th African Games, scheduled to take place in Ghana from March 8-23, 2024 have until February 15 to submit their lists of shortlisted athletes to the Games’ local secretariat.
The decision was announced yesterday during the secretariat’s meeting held at the National Sports Council (NSC) boardroom at Stad Linite.
Seychelles will be competing in six sport disciplines – volleyball, boxing, weightlifting, track and field, judo and swimming – at the 13th Games, with the possibility of adding badminton to the list based on the required qualifications.
Yesterday’s meeting also attended by the Games’ local committee which is chaired by NSC chief executive Marc Arissol.The other committee members are Lucas Georges (chef de mission), Steve Hoareau (representatives of sports’ associations and federations), Paul Denis (coaches’ commissioner), Lisette Nolin (accounts), Dr Julie Shamlaye (medical) and Gilly Jean (press attaché).
As for the Games’ secretariat, it is being chaired by Mr Hoareau, while its other members are Mr Denis, Jennifer Bonne, Dominic Pillay, and Maria Dailoo.
At yesterday’s meeting, other than updates on the Games itself, and shortlist of delegation, also on the agenda were release and insurance for athletes, grievance procedure, uniform and the sending-off ceremony which is scheduled for March 2 at the NSC Hall.
It was explained that the longer the associations and federations take to submit the names of their athletes, the more stressed those involved with administrative work become as they will have to rush with everything, opening doors for mistakes which will bring more delay.
Local sports governing bodies are being urged to respect the set deadline, while being encouraged to complete the process well in advance if possible.
Regarding release and insurance for athletes, Mr Hoareau explained that only after receiving the final lists from the sports’ governing bodies that the procedures can begin, while for the team’s uniform, Mr George confirmed that the complete kit will arrive in the country on February 22.
He also explained that a grievance committee has been set up as the legitimate body for athletes to voice out any concerns before, during and after the Games.
The 13th African Games will be held in Ghana andwill be the second time in history that the Games will be decentralised, as three cities will host the event.The three cities chosen for these functions are Accra, Kumasi, and Cape Coast.
Initially scheduled for last year, the Games faced disruption because of a disagreement between African sporting confederations and the African Union(AU) over marketing rights.
A new date was set following the resolution of the crisis between the AU and the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (Anoca) and the Association of African Sports Confederations.
Sports codes that will be included in the 2023 Games are:
Olympic qualifiers: Badminton, cycling, swimming, table tennis, tennis, triathlon and wrestling.
Non-Olympic qualifiers: Arm wrestling, athletics, basketball (3x3), beach volleyball, boxing, cricket, football, handball, hockey, judo, karate do, rugby, taekwondo, volleyball and weightlifting.
Demonstration sports: E-Sports, mixed martial arts, pickle ball, scrabble, speedball, sambo and teqball.
Compiled by Roland Duval