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Urgent maintenance work being carried out on street lights at Ile Perseverance |22 August 2022

The Seychelles Infrastructure Agency (SIA) is advising the public, particularly residents of Ile Perseverance, that all street lights in that district have been temporarily switched off as a precautionary measure.

This follows a minor incident that happened on Wednesday August 17. 

The SIA, with the assistance of the Public Utilities Company (PUC), is working tirelessly to resolve this issue and ensure safety in the electricity network.

As such, residents of Ile Perseverance are advised that electricity outage on these street lights will continue until urgent maintenance work is completed by latest Wednesday August 24.

After that, the majority of the street lights will be back on. However electricity outage on some street lights in localised areas may still persist but will be addressed in due course.

The SIA counts on the support of the public to take extra precaution when walking or driving within the Perseverance community during the time that maintenance work is being carried out.


Press release from the SIA





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