Message from President Danny Faure for Christmas 2019 |26 December 2019

President Faure reading his message (Photo source: Office of the President)
‘Let us continue to support and uplift each other’
“Let us continue to support and uplift each other, give without expectations and commit to service of others. Let us also say thank you for our many blessings and take a moment to appreciate the goodness, kindness and peace that we see practised in our communities every day; and the powerful sense of peace and unity that is at the centre of this blessed country, Seychelles.”
This comes in President Danny Faure’s Christmas message to the people of Seychelles which was broadcast on SBC TV yesterday morning.
The full text of the message reads:
“Dear Seychellois brothers and sisters,
“It gives me great joy to wish you all a very merry Christmas today.
“This time of year, we join Seychellois around the world to remember the events of one holy night more than 2000 years ago. It is a time to honour the message of our saviour, Jesus Christ, and live the values he showed us.
“Guided by his faith, Jesus Christ lived a life of perfect integrity, steadfast in his values and bringing goodness and blessings to all people. He gave unconditional love, forgave freely, and worked in service of others, without discrimination. He was compassionate, spoke the truth with kindness, and made time for others, without expectations. For us as Seychellois, regardless of faith, these are the values that should form part of our life’s compass and the values that should form the foundation of society.
“Let us all do what we can to live these values. Let us ensure that this Christmastime is one where we forgive those who may have hurt us and give our love and time freely. Let us continue to support and uplift each other, give without expectations and commit to service of others. Let us also say thank you for our many blessings and take a moment to appreciate the goodness, kindness and peace that we see practised in our communities every day; and the powerful sense of peace and unity that is at the centre of this blessed country, Seychelles.
“When we see what is happening around the world today, we appreciate this sense of peace, tranquillity and stability that reigns in the country even more. As we celebrate Christmas, let us as a nation, pledge our commitment to cultivate more peace, more tranquillity, more stability and more unity in our small country Seychelles.
“During the festivities, let us also take a moment to remember those who are less fortunate – those who are hurting, those who have lost a loved one, and those who are far from their families. Let us think of them and keep them in our prayers.
“May God continue to bless our beautiful Seychelles.
“My family and I, we wish all Seychellois a Christmas filled with joy, love and peace.”
Source: Office of the President