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Taxi association donates face masks, hand sanitisers to education ministry |31 July 2021

Taxi association donates face masks, hand sanitisers to education ministry

Mr Kilindo hands over part of the donation to PS De Commarmond

The local taxi association has donated 35,000 face masks and 30 litres of hand sanitisers to the Ministry of Education to be distributed in primary and secondary schools on Mahe.

Principal secretary for education services, Dr Odile de Comarmond accepted the donation from the chairperson of the Seychelles Taxi Association (STA), Frank Kilindo on Thursday in the presence of the director for health, safety and risk management within the ministry, Regina Prosper, along with members of the taxi association’s executive committee.

Accepting the donation, Dr de Commarmond conveyed her gratitude and noted that it comes at an opportune time, considering the spread of Covid-19 cases in the community and its implications on schools.

“This donation might look small to certain people, but to us it is a major gift, and it reflects the involvement of the community in helping to battle and protect the schools and students from this pandemic,” said Dr De Commarmond who further added that the ministry appreciates the gesture and is looking forward to the continuous support and collaboration from the taxi association.

On behalf of the taxi association, Mr Kilindo thanked the ministry for accepting their gracious initiative and promised that the association will continue to support the efforts of the government in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.


Linne Dubignon / Lynn Betsy

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